Access your in-progress Compliance Items via Workflow > Compliance > Tasks.

The list will tell you if the item has been saved against a task, the compliance item type, who created it, if it's been assigned to anyone, and the date and time it was created.
Click an item name to open the relevant compliance form.
Page features
Use the search box and dropdown at the top left to search the list by Ref number or Job Number.
Filter by status
Use the dropdown at the top right to switch to Closed, Voided, or All items.
Bulk Close
When viewing Open items, you can Bulk Close items:
- Click Bulk Close
- Select the tickbox next to each item you need to close or tick the box in the header to select all items
- Scroll down, click Close Selected, and confirm.
- You may receive a warning message saying actions need to be completed, depending on the scenario.
Create Item link
If you see a Create Item link, this means re-occurring compliance items have been set up. See Safety Plan.