Purchase Orders in AroFlo Field - Overview

Learn how to navigate the Purchase Order worksheet in AroFlo Field

Updated on February 18th, 2025

Access your purchase orders within AroFlo Field from:

  • the Purchase Orders List (Menu > Purchase Orders)
  • or from a task with a purchase order attached to it.

Access Purchase Orders on a Task

You can access Purchase Orders on a Task via:

  1. The Task tiles
  2. More tab > Purchase Orders
  3. Items tab > Purchase Orders
  4. Materials area > PO number (above ordered items)


Order Header

The purchase order header displays the order number, and tells you whether it's a stock order or a task order.

Also included is the purchase order status and the option to email your order.

Fill out the necessary details as per below and then Save your order.

Purchase Order status explanations

The statuses are colour-coded.

Purchase Order statuses are read-only and can only be changed in AroFlo Office.

Status Definition

In Progress

Order is currently being worked on

Pending Approval

Order requires internal approval (optional status)


Order has been sent to the supplier


Approved order that has been processed into accounting package
Task Orders display the name and job number of the task, whereas stock orders simply say Stock Order
Task Orders display the name and job number of the task, whereas stock orders simply say Stock Order


Purchase Order shortcuts

Tap the plus button to access a list of shortcuts so you can easily add things to your purchase order:

Option Description
Take Photo or Upload View and/or upload photos and documents to the quote from your mobile device.
Add Line Items

Add items to your order. This features a sub-menu, letting you select the method. See Adding Purchase Order Items for more info.

Unavailable if the purchase order status is Approved.



Purchase Order tabs

The Purchase Order worksheet is broken up into four tabs:

The Notes tab contains a counter of how many notes are on the order.



Overview tab

The Purchase Order Overview gives you the main details of the order, and is broken up into sections. How much information is available is dependent on what's been included on the order.

Supplier Information

The supplier selected for the order is shown at the top of the order and includes the supplier's transactions terms banner (if set). See Transaction terms.

If you selected a location, this will appear here as well.


  • Tap the supplier name to open the supplier card
  • Tap if you need to change the supplier or the supplier and location
  • Tap the Location to open the Location card
  • Tap to navigate to the location using your device's default maps app.

Items/Task info

This is a quick place to see how many items have been added to your order.

Tap View Line Items (x) or Add Line Items to go to the Items tab and add further items if needed. see Adding Purchase Order Items.

If on a Task order, you'll also have a link to the task the order was raised from.


Delivery Details

Pickup from supplier

If you are organising collection from the supplier, you can tap the Pickup slider to hide all fields except Date Received.

Field Description
Deliver To

Select a Deliver To address from the list.

 More info

Delivery address options include addresses for the company, a pickup from the supplier, or a custom address.

Task Orders

For Task Orders, you'll also have an option for the client address, and the task address if a location was selected for the task.

Deliver By Date/Time

Select a Deliver By Date by tapping into the field and using the date picker.

Tap if you need to add a Deliver By time.

Date Received When the items were received from the supplier.
Delivery Instructions Additional delivery details, e.g. 'All deliveries to site office'.

Purchase Order Details

  • The date fields can only be edited in AroFlo Office
  • Tap to collapse the section.
Field Description
Date Purchased The date the purchase order was created.
Date Invoiced The date recorded on the supplier invoice.
Payment Due Date

When the Invoice payment is due.

This field will auto-populate based on the terms set on the Supplier card.

Notes Any special instructions relating to the order, e.g. 'All boxes must have the same batch number'.

Assign Stock To

When adding items to an order, you can assign items to a user, storage location, or stock.

The Assign Stock To field defaults to the user who is currently logged in. To assign new items to another user, storage location or stock, make your selection before adding items to the order.

Remember User

Tick Remember User to set your selection as the new default.


Custom Fields

If you've set up custom fields for purchase orders, these will display at the bottom of the worksheet.

See Custom Fields for more information, including types of fields and how you can use these in your workflow.

Tap to collapse the section.



Other tabs


Tap the (green plus button) to add items to the purchase order.


Record more specific information about this purchase order (e.g. information regarding purchase order items) and/or view existing notes.

Read more on notes.



View and/or upload photos and documents to the purchase order. For example, copies of tax invoices for your items.


All other applicable aspects related to the purchase order appear in the More tab, in the form of a pop-up.

Option Description

Original Order

A link taking you back to the original order (only applicable for back orders).

Print PDF

Generate a PDF of the purchase order worksheet to send to a mobile printer. See Emailing and Printing.


Send an email and include any attached documents/images, etc. See Emailing and Printing.
Signatures Access captured signatures on the purchase order.


Other options

These options appear on most of the five tabs available to you:


Tap Signatures to capture a signature or view existing ones. This is available on all tabs except More.

You can also view captured signatures from More > Signatures.


You can only capture a signature when your purchase order is in the In Progress and Pending Approval status.



Tap Save to save the purchase order. Once you save, the information will be available to all users (in accordance with their access permissions) using AroFlo Field or Office. This is available on all tabs except More.