Task Worksheet Materials

Learn how to record materials on a task in AroFlo Office

Updated on July 8th, 2024

The Task Worksheet (Materials) screen displays all of the materials that have been recorded or ordered against the open task. Office staff can make corrections if needed, and also record materials on behalf of employees. Materials can be edited or added even after the task status has been moved to 'Completed'.

Materials can be added to a task manually (suitable for ad-hoc items) or automatically by searching your inventory, task specific lists, or SOR lists.

Use the tabs below to learn about each option.


Feature Access settings

How items display depends on your Material and Expense visibility set within your Feature Access Settings, e.g. whether or not prices are showing.



Line Item Methods

Add an ad-hoc item

Ad-hoc items are those that don't exist in your inventory. From the Task Worksheet, click Material and complete the blank fields to record the item.

  1. Enter a Part No (optional).
  2. Enter the Item Name.
  3. Enter the Quantity used.
  4. Enter the Cost Ex unit value.
  5. If you don't have a default markup for materials set in Site Admin, you will need to manually enter a Markup percentage.

    Alternatively, you can enter the Sell Ex unit value and AroFlo will back-calculate the markup percentage.

  6. The Date defaults to today's date. You can back-date the materials record if needed.

    The Date/Time Inserted field is used to track when materials were recorded on the task.

  7. Record where the stock was taken from by selecting a holder from the Take Stock From... dropdown.

    -  Take Stock From... will default to the user logged in.

    - Users who have been set to not show as a storage location will not appear in the dropdown.

    - The Remember User checkbox will save the selected user as a new default. Please note this is based on browser cookies, so it will only apply to the current device and browser being used.

  8. Click Save Materials.

Add an item from inventory

Click Multi Search to access your inventory items.

  1. Click Multi Search and select Inventory.
  2. Use the category search on the left to narrow down your search and/or use the Search All box to filter the list by any of the item's details, e.g. part number or item name.

    You can use the Columns button to help you search. Add columns such as Thumbnail (pictured), Manufacturer or Stock Level (based who is selected in the Take Stock From... dropdown).

  3. Enter the quantity used.
  4. Click to close the Search Inventory window.
  5. Record where the stock was taken from by selecting a holder from the Take Stock From... dropdown list (optional).
  6. Click Save Materials.

Task Specific Lists

Task specific lists are short lists of commonly used items, or assemblies, which have been set up to enable users to quickly find the inventory items they need. For more information, see Task Specific Lists.

  1. Click Multi Search and select Task Specific Lists.
  2. Click a list name.
  3. Enter (on Task Specific Lists) or edit (on Assemblies) the Quantity Used for each item.
  4. Select where the stock was taken from from the dropdown list.
  5. Click Save.

SOR lists

SOR lists allow you to charge different price points for goods or services. For example, you may have a loyalty scheme with different rates for VIP, Return Customers, and Seniors. For more information, see SOR Lists

  1. Click Multi Search and select SOR Lists.
  2. Click a list name.
  3. Enter the quantity used.
  4. In the Sell Ex field, click (dollar sign) and select an SOR price level.
  5. Click Save.

Add Quoted Items

This option will only be available from a quoted task, i.e. from a quote which has been approved.


Use this option to add materials from your quote worksheet.

Input the quantity of each item and Save to add the items to your task. Alternatively, to add all items to the task, tick Add all and Save.


Project Materials

If working on a task within a project created from a detailed quote, you may have the following three options to add materials. When using these options, adding materials to the task behaves in the same way as Add Quoted Items, above.

Option Description
Task Quoted Items If the task has a quote linked to it, use this option to add items from the linked quote.
Stage Quoted Items Appears if the task is linked to a stage. Use this option to add quoted items from the stage the task belongs to.
Project Quoted Items Similar to Stage Quoted Items but allows you to add quoted items from all stages within the Project.

Ordered Materials

Materials added from Purchase Orders or Work Orders will also appear here under Used Materials and will contain a link to their respective orders with a prefix beside it (PO = Purchase Order, WO = Work Order).

Automatically add New Items to Task

If the setting Automatically add New Items to Task in Purchase Order settings and Work Order settings has been unticked, entries will appear here but with a quantity of 0. You'll need to edit this value either from here or on the purchase/work order if you want these job costs to be included on the task.



Update Stock Taken From

When you record material items on a task, they are also 'taken from' a Stock Holder.

Stock Holders could be general stock, a user or a custom holder (such as a van). Stock holders and levels appear in Inventory Stock Activity.


To change where stock was taken:

  1. Click the Stock Holder listed in 'Taken From'
  2. Select the new Stock Holder.
  3. Click Select Stock Holder.


Delete line items

To delete a line item, click (red rubbish bin) against the item you want to delete and Save Materials.

To delete multiple line items, click Multi-Delete, select the line items you want to delete, or click the 'Select All' checkbox at the top of the column, and click Save Materials.