Quote Settings

Learn about the settings that control the behaviour of quotes in AroFlo

Updated on June 6th, 2024

The table below provides an overview of the site admin settings that control the behaviour of quotes.

Click the blue links on the left to access full instructions for each setting.

Checklists Set up checklists that can be automatically or manually added to quotes to assist staff in following correct procedures, and automatically start or stop the labour timer.
Substatus Set up substatuses that can be linked to a main status to provide additional information relating to the status of a quote. 
Print & Email Defaults Set up default layouts, email templates and default email addresses for quotes.
Default Quote Type

Set the default quote type you use most:

  • Simple
  • Detailed
Use Tax Inclusive Pricing Set the default tax status for all your quotes to 'Tax Inclusive'.
Default Acceptance Status

Set the default acceptance status:

  • (blank)
  • Not Sent
  • Awaiting Decision

This setting determines what acceptance status will appear when a Quote status is set to Approved.

Once a Quote status is set to Approved:

  • If (blank) is selected in this setting, then the acceptance status will be blank and tasks generated from quotes will be visible. This is best if you do not plan on using the acceptance status workflow.
  • If 'Not Sent' or 'Awaiting Decision' is selected in this setting, then acceptance status will be 'Not Set' or 'Awaiting Decision'. Any tasks generated from the quote will not be visible to your team until the Quote Acceptance status is changed to 'Accepted'.