Managing Arrears Made Easy

At the end of these steps, you will have checked your clients outstanding balance and emailed their outstanding invoices

Updated on September 9th, 2024


At the end of these steps, you will have checked your clients outstanding balance and emailed their outstanding invoices.




  1. Click Accounts > Clients.
  2. Scroll or search for your client.
  3. Click your Client name.
  4. Click Email.
  5. Click Attachments.
  6. Click Invoices.
  7. Click Balance Due > Unpaid to target just unpaid invoices.
  8. Note any outstanding balances due.
  9. Click each invoice you'd like to resend to your client then close the search window. AroFlo will generate the PDFs and attach them to the email for you. Layouts will reflect your business unit default.
  10. Preview your invoices by clicking on the attached PDFs visible in the Attachments area of the email.
  11. Click Send Email.

You can also mass email other types of customer communications using AroFlo's email feature.




You will now have emailed your client their arrears.



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Managing Clients Invoicing