Checklists - Overview

Learn about checklists in AroFlo Office

Updated on September 3rd, 2024

Table of Contents

Checklists are a series of items that require a response (Yes, No, NA). They can be added to tasks and quotes.

A Checklist can:

  • feature key elements that must be completed for every task, e.g. Arrived on Site, Compliance forms completed.
  • provide a detailed series of steps that walk your staff through complex tasks, e.g. Switch off mains power, Remove cover, Clean filter, Inspect fan motor.
  • capture GPS data, which can help resolve disputes with clients
  • start or stop the job timer
  • be set up to appear automatically on all new tasks, or can be added manually to existing tasks.


Create a Checklist Template

Creating a checklist template is an administration function that requires access to Site Admin. Please contact your Site Administrator for assistance.