Create a Purchase Order

Learn how to create a purchase order in AroFlo Field

Updated on May 24th, 2024

There are two types of purchase order you can create in AroFlo:

  • Task purchase orders - used to order materials for a particular task (which may include quoted items)
  • Stock purchase orders - used to replenish stock or keep stock levels up to date.

The process for both scenarios is much the same; the only difference is how to get to the purchase order screen.


Create Task Order

The Purchase Orders section of a task lists all of the purchase orders already created against the task. You can also search for orders (see below) as well as create new purchase orders.

Access the section via the Items tab, More tab, or the task tiles.

From here, tap the (green plus button) to create a new Task Purchase Order.

Alternatively, if you want to quickly raise a Purchase Order without first viewing existing ones, use the Task shortcuts > Create PO.


Continue to Select Supplier.



Search Orders

On the purchase order list screen from a task, you're able to search for a particular purchase order by either the purchase order number or supplier name.

This works in much the same way as the search button on the purchase order list screen.

Only users with the proper access levels can see a full list of orders.


Tap the (back arrow) after searching to return to the list of purchase orders for this task. 



Create Stock Order

From the stock purchase order list, tap the (green plus button) to create a new purchase order for stock.

Continue to Select Supplier.



Select Supplier

Next, select a supplier, or alternatively, tap (arrow) to see the list of locations for that supplier and select one from the list.

Search/Filter suppliers

  • The list of suppliers has several options for filtering by using either the Wholesalers, Contractors or (Filter By) buttons, or alternatively tap (Magnifier) to search your suppliers.
  • You can also find the nearest supplier according to your geolocation using (Filter By) > Nearest (GPS).


Order Details

From here, the purchase order worksheet will display. The header will display the order number, as well as tell you whether it's a stock order or a task order.

Transaction Terms

You may have a colored banner displaying underneath the header (see image). See Transaction terms for more information.


Fill out the necessary details as per below and then Save your order.



Purchase Order tabs

The Purchase Order worksheet is broken up into four tabs:

The Notes and More tabs will have a counter on them if there is information contained within them, e.g. if a note or document has been added.



The Overview tab gives you the main details of the purchase order:

Field Description


The task this purchase order has been raised against (only applicable for Task Orders).

Tap the task name to open the task



The selected supplier for the purchase order

  • Tap the supplier name to open the supplier card.
  • Tap the (magnifying glass) to edit the supplier/supplier and location for this purchase order.


The supplier's location, if selected.

Deliver To


Select a Deliver To address from the list.

 More info

Delivery address options include addresses for the company, a pick up from the supplier, or a custom address.

Task Orders

For Task Orders, you'll also have an option for the client address, and the task address if a location was selected for the task.

Delivery By Date/Time

Select a Delivery By Date and Time by tapping into the fields and using the date / time pickers.

Tap (clock) to insert the current time.


Delivery instructions

Additional delivery details, e.g. 'All deliveries to site office'.
Note Any special instructions relating to the order, e.g. 'All boxes must have the same batch number'.


Tap the (green plus button) to add items to the purchase order.


Record more specific information about this purchase order (e.g. information regarding purchase order items) and/or view existing notes.

Read more on notes.



All other applicable aspects related to the purchase order appear in the More tab, in the form of a pop-up. Certain options will have a counter on them to indicate that information is contained within them.

Option Description

Documents & Photos

View and/or upload photos and documents to the purchase order from your mobile device, for example, copies of tax invoices for your items.

Original Order

A link taking you back to the original order (only applicable for back orders).

Print PDF

Generate a PDF of the purchase order worksheet to send to a mobile printer. See Emailing and Printing.


Send an email and include any attached documents/images, etc. See Emailing and Printing.


Other options

 These options appear on most of the five tabs available to you:

Order status

The status of the purchase order appears on the quote header. The statuses are color-coded.


Purchase Order statuses can only be changed in AroFlo Office.

Status Definition

In Progress

Order is currently being worked on

Pending Approval

Order requires internal approval (optional status)


Order has been sent to the supplier


Approved order that has been processed into accounting package

Capture Signature

Capture a signature from your customer. This is available on all tabs except More.

You can only capture a signature when your purchase order is in the In Progress and Pending Approval status.



Tap Save to save the purchase order. Once you save, the information will be available to all users (in accordance with their access permissions) using AroFlo Field or Office. This is available on all tabs except More.