Request for Quotes List

Learn how to manage your RFQs in AroFlo Office

Updated on July 5th, 2024

Request for Quotes Menu

You can manage all Requests for Quotes from the Request for Quotes menu within Workflow > RFQs.

In Progress/Pending Approval/Approved/Processed Request for Quotes Opens a list of all Requests for Quotes within that status.
Create a new Request for Quote.
Search Search Requests for Quotes via RFQ Number or Notes.


Request for Quotes Lists

From the Request for Quotes Menu, select a status you'd like to view Request for Quotes in, e.g. In Progress Request for Quotes, or simply Workflow > RFQs > In Progress.

This will open a list of all RFQs within that status.

Looking for RFQs for a certain task or quote?

To view a list of RFQs for a particular task or quote, click the RFQs button on the worksheet.


From here, click a quote number to open the request for quote, or a Job Number to open the related task or quote (if applicable).


  • Click any underlined column heading to sort the list based on that column, e.g. by Due Date or Expiry Date
  • Click the Type of RFQ (Supplier or Contractor) beside an item to only display RFQs for that type.

Additional Search Options

  • The search at the top left is similar to that seen in the Request for Quotes Menu, but allows you to search Requests for Quotes via RFQ Number or Description.
  • Switch to Request for Quotes in another status (e.g. Approved, Processed, or All) using the dropdown at the top right.

Business Units filter

If you have access to multiple Business Units, you will have an additional filter at the top right to display further options:

Filter option Description
This Business Unit Only Only displays Requests for Quotes that are part of the selected business unit.
Include Child Business Units

Displays Requests for Quotes that are part of the selected business unit, as well as child business units. An additional Owner heading field will display.

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Include All Business Units

Displays Requests for Quotes for all business units. An additional Owner heading field will display.

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