Create Risk Templates

Learn how to create a risk template in AroFlo Office

Updated on February 18th, 2025

Performing a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) means looking at a work task, identifying the hazards involved, and putting controls in place to minimize risk and prevent injury. Worksafe Victoria provides information on how to conduct a JSA.

AroFlo lets you record the details of your JSA on a JSA worksheet via:

  • Workflow > Compliance > Risk Templates or via
  • Site Administration > Settings > Compliance > Risk Templates.


Create a risk template

Risk templates are used to create electronic JSA forms for your staff to access and complete on a task. Once JSAs have been established for particular tasks, they can be saved within AroFlo as templates, which can be used to create new JSAs as required. The following subsections explain how to create a JSA.


Add tasks/procedures

Select the category you need, or create a new category:

  1. Click the (plus sign).
  2. Enter the name of the category and click Done.
  3. Click Add Task/Procedure.


    The Task Template button allows you to import tasks from existing templates. Simply select a template from the list by double-clicking and clicking Import Template.

    The Activities and Risks sections also contain the option to use templates.

  4. Enter the name of the task or procedure.
  5. Repeat the above steps for each task/procedure.
  6. Click Save.

The table below describes the headings you see across the top of the risk templates list.

Task/Procedure Enter the name of the task or procedure.
Create JSA Quick access to create a JSA form.
View JSA

Provides a table view of the activities, risks, and controls that have been set up.

Print View

JSA: Provides a preview of the JSA layout.

Checklist: Provides a preview of the JSA checklist layout.

Close Required Check this option to prevent task closure if the form is incomplete.
Signature Required Check this option to prevent closure of the form if it has not been signed off.
Contractor Access Check this option to allow contractors to access this form.
Send Edit Compliance
Form Event Messages
Check this option to allow event messages to be triggered each time this form is edited.
Show Activities Collapsed

Check this option to collapse a list of compliance activities so that only the headers appear. Within a task, click on a header to expand the activity.

Activities that you've started but not completed will remain expanded by default.

Asset Required

Check this option to make it mandatory to assign an asset in order to close the form.

This can be useful for asset-specific compliance documents.

Default Custom Layout Used to link the form to a specific custom layout.
Checklist Labels User-defined checklist labels for checklist items, e.g. Pass, Fail, N/A.
Risk Matrix Setup Create a customized Risk Matrix.


Add activities

  1. Click the arrow on the left of the task/procedure you have entered.
  2. Click Add Activity.
  3. Enter the details of the activity.
  4. Repeat the above steps for each activity.
  5. Click Save Activity Templates.


Add risks

  1. Click the arrow on the left of the activity you have entered.
  2. Click Add Risk.
  3. Enter the details of the risk/hazard.
  4. Repeat the above steps for each risk/hazard.
  5. Click Save Risk Templates.


Add controls

  1. Click the arrow on the left of the risk you have entered.
  2. Click Add Control.
  3. Enter the details of the control measures.
  4. Repeat the above steps for each control measure.
  5. Click Save Controls.


Add checklist

  1. Click the arrow on the left of the control you have entered.
  2. Click Add Checklist.
  3. Enter the details of the checklist item.

    Field users will only see the checklist item, so it is important to ensure that you include elements of the Control, Risk, and Activity.
    For example: 'Follow correct manual lifting procedure to prevent back injury during installation of ladder'

  4. Repeat the above steps for each checklist item.
  5. Click Save Checklist Items.

Character limit?

Checklist Items have a character limit of 500 characters.



Checklist item settings

Additional settings are available on checklist items via the Edit button.
Field/Option Description

Fail Action

N/A Action

If the checklist is marked as 'Fail' or 'N/A', AroFlo can be instructed to:

Generate Email – You can configure an email to be sent indicating the failure of this checklist item. The settings for this feature are in Site Admin > Settings > Compliance Settings Escalation.

Linked Compliance Form

Link a compliance form to this item. You can also link a risk template or a custom form.

Enforce Ensures that the linked form is added to the item.
Linked Documents Upload documents to the item if your AroFlo subscription includes document storage.