Edit a Quote

Learn how to edit a Quote on the run in AroFlo Field

Updated on May 27th, 2024

After you've created a quote and saved, the quote then opens in edit mode. From here, you can add items and checklists to it, record the client's approval or rejection of the quote, or change any of the details you entered earlier.

See Quotes - overview for more information including quote tabs, quote status, descriptions, and adding labour on a quote.



Update status and substatus

When viewing a quote, updating the quote status and/or substatus is done in exactly the same way that you do for tasks; the only difference is that the statuses will have different names.

See Quotes - overview for descriptions of the four statuses.

If approving a quote, you'll have an extra field to record the acceptance status. See Approve a Quote for more information.



Items Total

Tap the Items Total tab to view the quote totals and add and view quote items.

Simple vs Detailed Quotes

The quote totals for detailed quotes can be viewed but not edited. You can only view and edit items for simple quotes. Click here to learn more about simple vs detailed quotes.



Add items to quote

Click Edit Line Items to add items to your quote.

Alternatively, if your quote is yet to have items on it, use the Quick Total option on the Overview tab to set a quick quoted amount.

You can only add and edit quote items when the quote is In Progress.


See Quote Items for more information



View Quote Totals

This screen tells you the overall totals of the quote. To view more information, tap Details.

The below table tells you more about the Quote Totals information.


Quote Totals information

Field Description
Tax Inclusive Tick this before you enter prices on items to invoice a job using tax-inclusive unit prices.

Labour Rate (x Hrs)

The labour component of the quote. The hourly rate is based on your work types. You can override this value without affecting the work type settings.

Cannot be overridden if:

Tax Edit the tax code if necessary.
Tracking Centre

Select a tracking centre for the labour.

Unavailable if using individual Work Types against line items. See Quotes - Labour and Expenses.


Labour Cost of labour on the quote.
Materials Cost of materials on the quote.

Labour Mark-up Overall markup on labour.
 Materials Mark-up Overall markup on materials.
Overall Mark-up Set the markup against the entire Quote.

Total Ex. Quote Total excluding Tax.
Tax Tax component.
Total Inc. Quote Total including Tax.

Total Profit This is the difference between actual cost and total sell.
Profit Margin Total Profit, expressed as a percentage.

Tap to hide the values.