Compare Budget to Actual Spend When Invoicing

At the end of these steps, you will have compared your original cost budget to your actual expenditure

Updated on September 9th, 2024


At the end of these steps, you will have compared your original cost budget to your actual expenditure.




For this workflow, it will be assumed that you have invoiced a quoted job and you want to check your original cost budget against what you spent, and what it was spent on:


  1. From an invoice on a completed quoted task click the Compare Quote, Jobsheet and Invoice Items tab above your line items.
  2. You will see 3 columns: Quote / Jobsheet / Invoice. Below the columns, look at the Cost numbers per column. These are the sum totals of all of the items that make up each column, meaning the total cost for each stage of the life of this job up to it becoming an invoice.
  3. Compare the number in the Quote column to the number in the Jobsheet column:

If the Quote number is higher…


If the Jobsheet number is higher


You finished under budget.


You finished over-budget.


From here, continue invoicing as usual.

There are many other ways of tracking P&L in AroFlo, from built-in reports to the margin calculation in a quote or invoice and more.



You will now have compared your original cost budget to your actual expenditure on a quoted task invoice.



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