Edit Contractor Details

Learn how settings work on a contractor card

Updated on May 24th, 2024

The contractor card includes a number of settings that are used to control a range of AroFlo features:

  • Contractor Labour Rates
  • System access for sub-contractors
  • Print and Email defaults.

To access a contractor's card, go to Accounts > Contractors and click on a contractor name.


Contractor Details

Once you've created your contractor, the contractor card will open. The information below are fields you're able to edit once a contractor has been created. See Create a Contractor for an explanation of all other fields including Company Address.

Contractor Information

Setting/Option Description

Contractor Logo

Upload the contractor logo. It can then be used on the print view of layouts.

To upload a company logo, use the Upload Logo button to locate the logo on your local PC / device.


By default, this is set to Active. If you no longer need this contractor, set the status to Archived.

Date Created

The date this contractor was recorded in your business.


You can change this date if it's different to the creation date in AroFlo (e.g. if you bulk imported a number of contractors at once).


Contact Information

Setting/Option Description

Primary Contact / Phone / Fax / Mobile / Email Address


The first contact and applicable contact details created for this contractor. Edit these details if necessary.

Select a different contact from the dropdown if necessary and the corresponding details will update once you Save the contractor.




The contractor's website. Click 1686259734755-pencil.edit.png (pencil) if you need to edit or (box with arrow) to open the website in a new tab.



Contact Information

Setting/Option Description

Primary Contact / Phone / Fax / Mobile / Email Address


The first contact and applicable contact details created for this contractor. Edit these details if necessary.

Select a different contact from the dropdown if necessary and the corresponding details will update once you Save the contractor.




The contractor's website. Click 1686259734755-pencil.edit.png (pencil) if you need to edit or (box with arrow) to open the website in a new tab.




Custom Fields

If custom fields have been set up for contractors, you may need to update existing cards to show any new custom fields created.


View and Create Menu

At the top right of a contractor card are the View and Create options. Click Email to open a blank Email to the contractor and select a contact from the dropdown.

View Menu

Option Description
Purchase Orders View In Progress Purchase Orders for this contractor
Work Orders View In Progress Work Orders for this contractor
Bills View In Progress Bills for this contractor
Credit Notes View In Progress Credit Notes for this contractor
Tasks View Current Tasks that are assigned to this contractor. See Contractor Access for more information.
Locations View Locations for this contractor
Contacts View Contacts for this contractor
Certifications View Certifications for this contractor

Create Menu

Option Description
Work Order Create a work order for this contractor
Purchase Order Create a purchase order for this contractor
Credit Note Create a credit note using this contractor


Contractor-Specific Settings

Print and Email Defaults

Set contractor-specific print and email defaults.

This may be useful if you want to set a common subject line or body text in emails you send to a contractor. It can also be used to set contractor-specific print layouts for your work orders or request for quotes.


Settings and Defaults

To control who can access documents you upload to a contractor card:

Setting Description
Default Document Upload Filter Set a default access filter for documents uploaded to the contractor card (Internal Only, Show Client, Show Contractor, Show All).


Contractor Settings

To change system access for sub-contractors, scroll down to Settings.


Setting Description
Type Used to turn this Contractor into a Supplier. Select 'Wholesaler' from the dropdown and Save.
Associated to If your AroFlo site has multiple business units, select the primary Business Unit this contractor is linked to.
System Access Gives Contractors access to AroFlo using their own credentials to access tasks that you have assigned or scheduled to them. For more information, see Contractor Access.
Scheduling Access Gives Contractors access to AroFlo using their own credentials to access the scheduling calendar.



Business unit links

If your AroFlo site has multiple business units, you can select which business units this contractor should be associated with. Alternatively, you may choose to link a contractor to all business units.

Your Site Administrator can set up default business unit links so that all newly created contractor will have the links you want. See Supplier and Contractor Settings.





Record notes against this contractor in the same way as client notes.


Documents and Photos

Upload contractor-specific documents.


Supplier Types

Used to categorise suppliers and contractors by type. Supplier types are set up in Site Admin > Settings > Suppliers & Contractors > Supplier & Contractor Types.


Contractor Labour Rates

Set your default labour rates for Work Orders using this contractor. See Create a Work Order - Adding labour.

Setting Description
Hourly Cost Rate The value you set here will be the default cost value for labour line items on Work Orders for this contractor. 
Hourly Charge Rate The value you set here will be the default sell value on the task for work order labour line items for this contractor.


If both of these fields are set to 'Not Set', the following hierarchy will be applied:

  • The default labour rates for work orders set in Site Administration for the current business unit (i.e. the one you're logged in to)
  • The default labour rates for work orders set in Site Administration for the top-level business unit.

If there are no default labour rates set for the current or top-level business unit, you'll need to enter them here.