
Learn how to take payments from your clients on the go in AroFlo Field

Updated on January 15th, 2025

AroFlo allows your clients to pay on the spot using a range of payment options, including online payment gateways which your Site Administrator can set up. When AroFlo is connected to a payment gateway, it effectively turns any mobile device into a fast, secure, and convenient card processor.

For your regular clients, AroFlo lets you store payment types, saving both you and your clients time with each payment they make.

Field invoicing

Invoicing in AroFlo Field is an optional feature that requires additional permissions to be enabled for individual users. Contact your Site Administrator for assistance.


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Add a payment

  1. From an invoice, tap 
    1. (green plus button) > Add Payment to access the Invoice Payments screen
    2. the Payments tab > Add/View Payments to access the Invoice Payments screen
  2. Tap (green plus button) to open the Add Payments screen.
  3. Select a Payment Method. See below. 

    Payment methods and surcharges are predefined in Site Admin. Please contact your Site Administrator for assistance. For more information, see Payment Methods and Surcharges.

  4. Adjust the auto-filled Amount (current balance due) if required.
  5. Enter a Reference and Notes (optional). 

    More info

    Reference could be something like a transaction ID, e.g. from an EFTPOS machine or POS

    Notes are any internal notes about the payment, e.g. 'part payment', '10% deposit', or 'paid over the phone'.

  6. Tap Save.

Tap Details to view further breakdowns of the total.

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Payment methods


For cash payments, simply alter any fields necessary and tap Save.


Credit Card

To accept a credit card payment:

  1. Select either AMEX, Mastercard or Visa. 


    If you select a payment method that has a surcharge applied, the surcharge amount will appear below the Amount field, and the Total Amount field will include the surcharge.

  2. Alter the Date Paid and Amount fields, if necessary.
  3. Select a Payment Gateway

    Select None to record a credit card payment taken outside of AroFlo, e.g. via an EFTPOS device.

  4. Enter the Credit Card NumberExpiry DateCVV and Name on Card

    Stored Payment Types

    You can store payment details for your regular clients, so that you don't have to ask for them each time. To process a credit card payment for one of these clients, simply select the correct details from the Stored Credit Card Types dropdown.

  5. Alter any of the remaining fields as necessary.
  6. Tap Save and Charge.


To record payment by cheque, simply alter any fields necessary, enter a Cheque Number, and tap Save.


Direct Deposit

To record payment by direct deposit:

  1. Alter the Date Paid and Amount fields as necessary.
  2. Complete the Bank Name, Branch Name, Account Name, BSB, and Account Number fields, as necessary. In the Stored Direct Debit Types field, tap the dropdown and choose from the listed direct debit types. 

    Stored Payment Types

    You can store payment details for your regular clients, so that you don't have to ask for them each time. To process a direct debit payment for one of these clients, simply select the correct details from the Stored Direct Debit Types dropdown. To enter direct debit details that have not been stored for the client, select New Direct Debit and complete all the fields.

  3. Alter any of the remaining fields as necessary and tap Save.

Making a payment via Square

When recording a payment using Square as the payment gateway, the Save button will change to Save and Open Square App to allow you to lodge the payment using your Square linked card reader via the app.

Android or iOS only

This will only work if using an Android or iOS device, and that you're not using a private browsing or incognito window. If using AroFlo Field on another device type, you'll receive a popup notification.


Using the AroFlo app?

Making a payment via Square is currently unsupported using the AroFlo app. Please use AroFlo Field on your mobile device if you wish to use this feature.



View and Edit payment details

All payments recorded against the invoice are listed on the Invoice Payments screen.

To view payment details, tap the    (pencil icon) beside the payment you want to view.

To edit payment details:

  1. Tap the    (pencil icon) beside the payment you want to edit
  2. Change the payment status to In Progress or Pending Approval
  3. Save 
  4. Tap the    (pencil icon) again
  5. Make your changes
  6. Change the payment status back to Approved
  7. Save.


Delete a Payment

If you need to delete a payment record, e.g. if a payment has been created in error:

  1. Tap the    (pencil icon) beside the payment you want to delete
  2. Change the payment status to In Progress or Pending Approval
  3. Save 
  4. Tap the    (pencil icon) again
  5. Tap Delete and confirm deletion.

Credit Card payments

You will not be able to delete credit card payments which have been processed through a payment gateway.



View payment gateway receipt

When a credit card transaction has been processed, you will see 'Successful Purchase' at the top of the screen. Failed transactions will show 'Unable to process the purchase transaction' and you will need to correct the details before trying again.

Failed transactions

Failed transactions will also display with an alert icon on the payments list, indicating the payment requires further action.


To view the payment gateway receipt, tap the   (pencil icon) on the payment record.