Use our AI Bill Scanner feature to upload an invoice issued to you by a supplier and extract data from it to import your items onto your purchase order and automatically create a bill for your records.
Use case
This feature might be useful if you want to use our supplier invoice import feature but some of the suppliers you generally use for purchasing are unavailable for Invoice import.
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Brief video
Set Up
Before using this feature, you need to enable it either via the Billing Portal or via Site Admin > Add-Ons > AI Assisted Features, and confirm any extra charges.
Billing Portal

Site Admin Add-Ons area

Bill Upload Setup
The first time you upload an invoice from a supplier, you'll need to map the data found in your uploaded invoice against the relevant purchase order fields:
Create your purchase order and fill out the order details as necessary
Alternatively, you can create the order using AroFlo Field.
- When it's time to add your items, click the Bills tab > Upload Bill.
- Either drag your invoice from your file explorer into the popup window that appears or click Upload Bill to select the file.
- AroFlo will scan your invoice for relevant purchase order fields and the Bill Upload Setup window will appear. From here, confirm or select the mapping for both the Supplier Invoice Details and the Line Item Details and Continue Import once done. See the below section for more information.
Multiple pages/Bill numbers
You can also upload supplier invoices that go across multiple pages and/or containing more than one invoice/bill number. See the information below.
- Once the import is complete, click View Bill to open the Bill that was created, or alternatively, click Done to return to your order.
Multiple Bills
If what you're uploading contains multiple bills or invoices, you'll have an additional step to confirm which bills you want to include. By default, all are selected.

Review Area sections
Supplier Invoice Details
The Supplier Invoice Details area looks at the top of the uploaded invoice and matches the data found with the relevant purchase order details. See Create a Purchase Order - Order Details.

Rounding Adjustment
If mapping the Total (Ex) field, this ensures that the imported AroFlo Bill will equal the same value as your uploaded Bill. This can help if you sometimes have invoices with a discrepancy with the supplier invoice total and the sum of the line items (e.g. if your invoice total is out by 1 cent). If this is the case, AroFlo will insert a rounding adjustment line item on your purchase order and bill with the value of the discrepancy, ensuring your bill total is correct as a result.
If you don't want this rounding adjustment line item, do not map the Total (Ex) field.
The part number of the rounding adjustment will contain the invoice number the discrepancy came from (useful if you've uploaded multiple bills).

Line Item Details
The Line Item Details area looks at the bottom half of the uploaded invoice and matches the data found from items on the invoice with the relevant purchase order item details. See Add Purchase Order Items - Line Item Fields. Items are added to your Purchase Order as well as the resulting Bill.

The AI Bill Scanner will scan the entire invoice (including ones on multiple pages), however, only the first three items will be shown in the review area.
Map the fields
Match found
If a match has been found for a field, it will display in grey and you do not need to do anything. If you want to change it though, click the dropdown to see what other fields might apply for this field.

Confirm Mapping
If AroFlo is unsure which data field should be applied for a field, it will display in orange and have an orange warning icon . The name of the field taken from your uploaded bill will be shown within the name of the field (e.g. for the Part Number, AroFlo has found the heading ‘Code’ to match this against). Check this field name as well as the information underneath the line item to confirm it's the right field and click the green tick
to confirm the fields match. The field will turn grey to indicate it's been finalized. Alternatively, use the dropdown to find and select a different field which may apply and the field will turn grey.

Skip field
If an orange field is blank and you don't want to map it, click the green tick to ignore this field from being mapped.

If a field has been found (either orange or grey) and you don't want to map it, click the dropdown and select --None-- to make the field blank.

Subsequent Imports
If uploading bills for a Supplier you've already uploaded Bills for (i.e. when selecting a Supplier for the purchase order), AroFlo will remember the mapping you chose last time. Confirm the mapping is correct and make any adjustments as necessary (see above) and Continue Import.
Show Supplier field

Next Steps
Once your supplier invoice has been uploaded, this will populate your line items onto your purchase order, create a bill for you (or multiple bills if your upload contained multiple bills/invoices), and attach a copy of your uploaded supplier invoice to the Documents & Photos tab of both your purchase order and the created Bill. Manage your Bill line items, or learn more about the Bill Worksheet.
View our AI Bill Scanner feature page on our website