Project Reports

Learn about project-specific reports in AroFlo Office

Updated on July 19th, 2024

Access general project reports from the Reports tab within a project.

Go to Workflow > Projects > Open > Select a Project > Reports Tab


Available Reports

Report Name Description
Cost to Complete Compares estimated, actual and invoiced costs, % complete, remaining estimate and project value.
Costing Detailed Compares estimated cost and hours against actuals for each stage.
Work in Progress Compares estimated cost and hours against actuals for each task.
Retentions List of project invoice details and retentions.

You can also create custom reports for your project-related tasks from within AroFlo's main Reports menu.

Customising Project Reports

Let's say you want to see only those tasks within your project that have a status of 'Completed'.

  1. From the main menu, click Reports.
  2. In the Tasks category, click the Completed Tasks report. The report opens.
  3. Filter the report by clicking Customise (top right) > Filters.
  4. From the list of filters, search for and click Projects and select your project name. Click X to close the window.
  5. Click Refresh Report to view the filtered report.

    You can apply multiple filters to the report to display only those tasks you're interested in.

  6. To save your filtered report, click Customise > Save.
  7. Enter a Report Name and (optional) Report Description.
  8. In the Type dropdown, select Projects.
  9. Click Category > Custom Reports. This will save the report as a custom report in your 'Projects' report category.
  10. Optional: Make the report available to clients or set access restrictions. See Report Restrictions for more information.
  11. Click Save As > OK.

View your new report here



Export a Project Report

Project reports can be exported as HTML, PDF or CSV.

Once you've created your report, select an export option from the bottom right of the report screen.