Export Data From Your Accounting Package

Learn how to export data from your accounting package to import into AroFlo

Updated on June 2nd, 2024

Use the instructions below to export a list of your clients and suppliers. These can then be uploaded into AroFlo using the bulk import tool.

Do not include credit card details

Please ensure that you do not include client credit card details when exporting from your application. You can either deselect these columns when exporting, or open the file and delete the columns after exporting.



Export clients and suppliers from your system

If you would like to manually export, clean up, and then import data from your accounting package, you can use the following tabs to assist with the export instructions:

Get Started:

Select the application with your clients and suppliers



Click here to see the Xero support page for instructions


To export customer contacts from Xero, refer to the Xero instructions above. Please note the steps below.

  1. Sign into Xero.
  2. Click Contacts > Customers.
  3. Ensure the Customers tab is selected and click Export. A file called 'Contacts.csv' is downloaded.
  4. Rename the file to Customers.csv.
  5. Repeat this process for suppliers, but in Step 2, select Contacts > Suppliers.
  6. If you have any contractors, you can export those too, by selecting Contacts > Contractors.

Identify your contacts as 'Client' or ‘Supplier’
If you have exported all of your contacts to one file, you will need to add a column called 'Client/Supplier' and use it to identify each contact as either a Client or a Supplier. This will ensure that we import your contacts correctly into AroFlo; if no distinction is made, all your contacts will be imported as Clients.


MYOB AccountRight

Click here to see the MYOB support page for full instructions


Be sure to also:

  • Audit your data to make sure it's up to date before proceeding. Tips on cleaning your data up before or after your export can be found in our Getting Started with AroFlo guide.
  • export both 'customer cards' and 'supplier cards'. The file names should be CUST.TXT and SUPPLIERS.TXT respectively.
  • select the following formatting options: separate data using Tabs, and select Include field headers in file.
  • When MYOB asks which fields to export, click Add All.

Format data
The TXT file type that MYOB gives you by default will need to be formatted into usable, delimited data and saved as a CSV file for upload into AroFlo.


If you have data that you don't want to import (e.g. if you've used the address field to record notes about a client), please contact Customer Service.


Looking for MYOB Essentials?
MYOB Essentials does not allow exporting of contacts. Please contact Customer Service for assistance.


Reckon Accounts or Hosted

To export all customer contacts from Reckon Accounts or Reckon Hosted, follow these steps:

  1. In the top menu, click Reports > Customers & Receivables Customer Contact List
  2. Click Modify Report.
  3. Select ALL options. 

    A quick way to select all options is to hold the down arrow and the space bar on your keyboard until all unchecked items are checked.

  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Hide Header > Export.
  6. If you have Microsoft Excel installed, click a new Excel workbook. If you don't have Excel, click a comma separated values (.csv) file
  7. Click Export. Excel, or a text editor, opens and displays the report.
  8. Save the file in a location that you will remember.

Repeat this process to export your suppliers list, but in Step 1, select Suppliers & Payables.


Other applications

Export data from another source

If you need to export client and supplier data from another source, export your data as a .CSV or .XLS file from that application.

Use our templates
You can use our templates to prepare your data for uploading via AroFlo's bulk import tool.

If your data is complex, use our import templates and send it to us.


We recommend that you only include active clients and suppliers. This will ensure users have current client and supplier information from the start.


What information do I need to export?

The client and supplier fields listed below can be imported into AroFlo.

  • Any headings in your file do not have to match the field name we have in AroFlo. (E.g. Your file may have 'given name' and AroFlo has 'first name')
  • If a field you require is not shown, you can add custom fields in AroFlo before starting your import.

AroFlo comes with a pre-built Training Client and Training Supplier so you can see a completed client or supplier card for reference.




Client / Supplier Name


Company/Business name. *This is a required field


Primary Contact First Name


First name of your contact person at that business. *This is a required field


Primary Contact Last Name


Last name of your contact person at that business. *This is a required field




Client's Employee Identification Number

Client Note


A generic message which appears on the client card e.g. 'Ensure invoices are sent to accounts'


Client Short Name


Short name for client (max. 6 characters)




Primary contact person's email address




Client's primary fax number


Mobile (cell) Phone


Primary contact person's cell phone number


Parent Client


Name of the Parent Client (if applicable) n.b. this client will be added as a Child Client




Primary contact person's phone number


Terms Note


Information relating to client's trading terms


Transaction Terms


Transaction terms for this client as per Site Admin (e.g. 30 Days)

Import values

Check how AroFlo formats this data by going to Create > Client. Check the 'Terms' drop-down menu to see the options available.




Client's primary website




Client's location suburb


Company Address


Client's location street address (No. and street)


Company Location Name


Client's location name (e.g. Level 8 Building 1)




Client's location country


Zip Code


Client's location zip code




Client's location state


GPS - Latitude


GPS Coordinates - Latitude


GPS - Longitude


GPS Coordinates - Longitude


Is Individual?


A checkbox to specify if your client is an individual (e.g. domestic work for a home owner)

Import values

The Individual field can have the values '1', 'yes', 'y', 't', 'true', 'on', 'checked', 'filled', or 'individual'.


Mailing Address


Client's mailing street address (No. and street or PO Box)


Mailing City


Client's mailing suburb


Mailing Country


Client's mailing country


Mailing Location Name


Client's mailing location name (e.g. Level 8 Building 1)


Mailing Zip Code


Client's mailing zip code


Mailing State


Client's mailing state



What's next?

Once you have your file, simply log into AroFlo and step through the Getting Started Assistant, or follow the instructions here. Alternatively, you can also send the file to us.