Website Enquiry Imports

Learn how to set up web forms to send sales leads directly to AroFlo

Updated on June 7th, 2024

If you have a 'Book a Quote' or 'Request Info' web form on your website, you can have AroFlo automatically create tasks using the details the client has entered into the form.

  • Save time on data entry
  • Reduce errors
  • Easily add promotional brochures to jobs received via the web
  • Give clients a handy way to request your services
  • Run reports on web inquiries.

Please see our guidelines for the fields you can include in your web forms.



Getting set up

As a first step, we recommend creating a client called something like 'Website Inquiry'. That makes it easier to see which tasks have come into AroFlo via the web.

Once you've done that, you can either:

Watch our webinar for examples of how AroFlo handles imported emails.



Working with imported website inquiries

As soon as your import is set up and clients start using your web form, AroFlo starts creating tasks under your 'Website Inquiry' client. You'll receive an email every time a task has been created in this way. You can then open the task and check the details.

Client Field

Check the Client field of the task header.

If the inquiry is from... then...

an existing client


  1. Click Client.
  2. Either type the client's name and select it from the search results, or click the (magnifier) to search for their client card.

    More information

    In the Search Clients window:

    - Enter the client name into the Client field.

    - Click the client name when it appears.

    - Click Select Client.

    - Click the X to close the Search Clients window.

  3. Click Save Task.

a new client


  1. Click Client.
  2. Click the (magnifier).
  3. Click Add Client.
  4. Complete the fields on the Create New Client window. See Create a Client for more information.
  5. Click Save Client > Save Task.

Location Field

Click Location > (magnifier) to either select a location (for existing clients) or add a location.


Quote Field

If you need to quote on the work, click Create Quote. AroFlo creates a quote worksheet using the details you've entered so far, and all you have to do is add your line items.



Handy tips

  • You can set up Email Templates to send to your clients, and include links, images and attachments. All emails are sent from within that task, so you have a record of all relevant correspondence.
  • You can create a Task Type called 'Website Inquiry' or 'Sales Inquiry', and save all the relevant documentation to the Documents & Photos tab of the task type. That way, pricing schedules, case studies, promotional brochures and so on will be attached by default when the task is created.
  • You can even create a separate Business Unit for website inquiries. This allows you to manage these inquiries completely separately from your main business. Before doing this, we recommend talking to our Customer Service team for advice.