Task Tags

Learn how to categorise your tasks using tags in AroFlo Office

Updated on June 6th, 2024

Task tags are a great way to group your tasks in order to categorise them, similar to how you might apply a label to your emails.

  • Filter the task list
  • Apply multiple tags to a task
  • Report on task tags

Although you can categorise your tasks in the task list by filtering by things like task type, substatus, priority, and client name, task tags allow you to set your own set of filters to categorise your tasks. In addition, you can set more than one tag on each task so it could appear in multiple searches.



  • You might want a task tag to show tasks with an active warranty period
  • Use a tag to show which tasks are for new clients
  • Use a tag to show which tasks involve a return visit.


Create a Task Tag

To create a new task tag:

  1. From a task worksheet, click Tags (top right)
  2. From the Search Tags window, click Add Tag
  3. Give your tag a name and Save
  4. The tag will automatically apply to the task you're on. Untick the box if this tag does not apply to this task.
  5. (Optional) to change the colour of the tag, click (notepad) beside the tag name. From here you can change the background colour and text colour of the tag. Save.

Remember to Save your task to apply the tag change to the task you're on.



Using Task Tags

Add tags to a Task

To apply tags to a task:

  1. From a task worksheet, click Tags (top right)
  2. From the Search Tags window, click all the tags that apply to this task. The applied tags will display at the top right of the task.

    If you have several tags, you can filter the list by typing in the search field under Name (minimum 3 characters).

  3. Close the window and Save Task.


Filter by Task Tag

To display tasks matching task tags:

  1. From a task list (e.g. Current Tasks), click   (Search Tags)
  2. From the Search Tags window, click all the tags that you want to filter by and click Select Tags.

    If you have several tags, filter the list by typing in the search field under Name (minimum 3 characters).

  3. Only tasks matching those task tags will display, and the tags being searched for will display at the top right of the task list.
    Repeat this process if you need to narrow your search (if searching multiple tags).
  • You can use this filter combined with other filters (e.g. by Task Type or Substatus)
  • From a task worksheet already containing task tags, click on a tag to display current tasks matching this tag.


Editing Task Tags

To edit a task tag:

  1. Access the Search Tags window either via:
    1. a task worksheet (click Tags at the top right)
    2. a task list (click (Search Tags) at the top right)
  2. Click (notepad) beside the tag you want to edit
  3. Make your changes as per the table below and Save.
Field Description
Name Edit the name of the tag
Background Colour The background colour of the tag (Default colour is grey)
Text Colour The text colour of the tag (Default colour is black)
Archive Archive this task tag