Task List in AroFlo Field

Learn how to navigate the Task List in AroFlo Field

Updated on August 23rd, 2024

When you log into AroFlo Field, you will see either the:

Main Menu


Schedule View


Task List


Which view you see is determined by your Feature Access Settings. Please contact your Site Administrator if you want to change your default landing page.



Access the Task List

To access your Task List, go to the main menu and tap Tasks.

If you see the Schedule view, tap the Task List button at the bottom of the screen:

To view open tasks by client, navigate to the client list or a client card. See Clients.



View tasks

From here, open tasks that are accessible to you will populate. Tap on a task to open it.

Tasks due today

If a task is due today, it will be highlighted in yellow. See images above.


Task Overview

If you want to see an overview of a task without going into each one, one by one, tap the(eye icon) to the right of the listing. Tap View Task to open it, or tap away to close the overview.



Filter tasks

The (Filter By) icon provides several options for viewing tasks.

Please note some options require certain permissions (available to pre-built Supervisor or Management groups) and/or Site Administration settings for your company or business unit.


List of options

Option Description
Open Shows open tasks assigned or scheduled to the user.

Shows completed tasks assigned or scheduled to the user.

Final Invoices

  • If a final invoice has been raised for the task, an Invoiced label will display. Tap the task to go straight to the invoice.
  • If the final invoice has been marked as Pending Approval or Approved, the task will no longer be visible in your Completed Task list.
My Tasks Shows open tasks assigned or scheduled to the user.

Shows all tasks.

Permissions required

Available to users in the Supervisor or Management pre-built permission group.

Custom groups require Permission Groups > Tasks > Filters > Assigned or Scheduled to User > View to be un-ticked.

Due Date Shows all tasks by due date. 
Priority Shows all tasks by priority.

Shows both unassigned and unscheduled tasks, which Field users can assign and/or schedule themselves to.

Permissions required

Available to users in the Supervisor or Management pre-built permission group.

Custom groups require Permission Groups > Tasks > Filters > Picklist in Field > View to be ticked.

Projects Lists tasks that have been created within a project. Each project has a header and the related tasks appear below the header.
Nearest (GPS) Sorts tasks by distance based on distance from your current GPS coordinates.
Nearest (Address)

Sorts tasks by distance based on job address.

You can type in an address as the base location instead of your current GPS location.

Nearest options

When using any of the two Nearest options, results will display from nearest task to furthest. Tap the info to open the corresponding task, the (eye icon) to view an overview (see above), or tap the 1683927731559-google.blue.location.pin.png (blue location pin) to navigate there using your device's maps application.



Search for tasks

Use the search feature to search for tasks based on the following criteria:

  • Task Name
  • Reference Number
  • Job Number
  • Customer Order Number
  • Description
  • Client
  • Location
  • Custom Field
  • All search functions within AroFlo require a minimum of three characters.
  • To view open tasks by client, navigate to the client list or a client card. See Clients.


Compliance Items and Templates

Scroll to the bottom of your task list to access the following options:


Daily Compliance Templates

This option ties into the Safety Plan feature. It is a curated list of daily forms that have been assigned to a user that they may need to complete. Tap on the form name in that menu to complete them as usual.


Compliance Items

Any compliance forms that you've opened but haven't completed (either from a Task, Asset or via the Compliance Forms menu) are displayed at the bottom of your task list as a reminder that these forms need to be completed and closed.



Periodic Task Templates

If a user accesses the task list and they have a periodic task assigned to them with a generation due date under 7 days away, they will see a Periodic Task Templates button.

To access a periodic task template through the task list:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the task list.
  2. Tap the Periodic Task Templates button.
  3. Tap the name of the template you'd like to view.

For more information about administering periodic task templates in AroFlo Field, see Periodic Tasks.