Create Asset Categories

Learn how to organize your assets into categories in AroFlo Office

Updated on June 5th, 2024

Table of Contents

Asset categories are used to organize your assets, e.g. Air Conditioners, Emergency lights, or Vehicles. When you create an asset, you can assign it to a particular category.

To create an asset category:

  1. Go to Manage > Assets.
  2. In the Categories panel, click the (add category) icon.
  3. 'New Category' will appear. Edit the category name as required and Save. ()



To create a sub-category:

  1. Hover over a category.
  2. Click (green plus icon).
  3. 'New Category' will appear. Edit the category name as required and Save ().
  4. Repeat this process as necessary.
You can add sub-categories within sub-categories, as necessary. A black folder indicates the category contains sub-categories and can be clicked to display them. A white folder indicates no further sub-categories exist within it.