Bulk Process Purchase Orders

Learn how to quickly process multiple purchase orders in AroFlo Office

Updated on June 3rd, 2024

Using the bulk process purchase orders function is an easy way to quickly change the status of multiple outstanding purchase orders.

  • Change the status of multiple purchase orders at once as opposed to one at a time
  • Use bulk processing if you have a list of purchase orders that you need to review before changing the status of all of them.

Access this feature via the purchase order menu: Workflow Purchase Orders > Bulk Process Purchase Orders.


Search Results

From here, select a purchase order status you want to view and select a date range. Click Show to view the results.

Default date range

The default date range is one month but you can change the start and end date using the date picker.


The Results Summary lists the total amount of purchase orders found within the selected status and date range and also breaks it down further by telling you how many were:

Complete and Verified Purchase orders which have all line items verified and the quantity received matches the quantity ordered.
Incomplete Purchase orders where the quantity received does not match the quantity ordered.
Unverified Purchase orders where the quantity received matches the quantity ordered but the line items on the purchase order have not had the Verify option ticked.


Matching Purchase Orders

Purchase orders matching the search criteria will be shown below and will be shown grouped by business unit.

If further action is needed on a purchase order, the row will be coloured as follows:

Red Purchase order is incomplete and not verified
Grey Purchase order is complete but not verified

Click on the order number to open up a purchase order if you need to review it or make amendments. Once done, simply back using your browser to return to your search results. 

Filter by supplier
Click on a supplier name to filter the list by supplier.



Changing the status

Once you've made all your changes, refine your search if necessary and then use the middle section to move your orders in bulk. You can move the status up one level or more, if applicable.

  • In Progress purchase orders can be moved to Pending Approval, Approved or Processed. Use the dropdown to make a selection.
  • Pending Approval purchase orders can be moved to Approved or Processed. Use the dropdown to make a selection.
  • Approved purchase orders can only be moved to Processed.

Only complete and verified purchase orders can be moved using this function. Purchase orders that are incomplete and/or not verified will need to be completed before they can be moved up a level in status.