Creating an Order for multiple suppliers

Learn how to split a PO between multiple suppliers

Updated on June 3rd, 2024

If using items from different suppliers, rather than creating individual purchase orders for each supplier, why not add them all onto the same order and let AroFlo separate the orders for you?

  1. After creating the purchase order, leave the Supplier and Supplier Location fields blank.
  2. Fill out the purchase order details as per Create a Purchase Order - Enter order details (from step 5 onwards).
  3. Add your items using any of the options found in Create a Purchase Order - Add line items and use the (blue magnifying glass) to select a supplier for each item.

    Preferred Suppliers

    If you have Preferred Suppliers set on inventory items, the preferred supplier will automatically flow through. Alternatively, if you've set suppliers against inventory items but not set a preferred, use the + (plus button) when adding the item and double-click to select a supplier.

    Show me


    No supplier

    If no supplier is listed against a line item, a purchase order with an ad-hoc supplier will be generated.

  4. Once your order is complete, click the (three dots icon) next to the Save button and select Generate Purchase Orders. You'll get a confirmation of how many purchase orders will be created. Select OK. The generated orders for each supplier will appear in your Current Purchase Order List and are ready to be printed or emailed to each supplier.

You can also use this functionality to set up Purchase Order Templates.