Add or Edit a Table Element

Learn how to add or edit table elements on a layout in AroFlo Office

Updated on October 14th, 2024

Table elements are used to display information pulled from AroFlo in a table format on a layout. There are a range of pre-defined tables available for each type of layout. Once a table has been added to the layout, you can easily modify its properties to show the level of detail that you require.


Add a new table to a layout

Once you've customized a standard layout, you can add in any number of tables that you require.

  1. Preview the Custom Layout.
  2. Click Customise.
  3. Click Tables (last button).
  4. Use the search box at the top or scroll through the list to find the table you need.
  5. Click on the table name to add it to the layout. The table element will appear at the top of your layout. Click and drag it into the correct position.


Edit table properties

The table properties allow you to modify the table format and behavior.

  1. Click on a table within the layout preview to activate the Properties box (see below).
  2. You can edit any of the default settings for the selected table. Some common modifications include:
    1. Unlocking the element to allow the table to dynamically move when the layout is previewed (prevents overlapping of text).
    2. Adjusting the Table Width to the desired size (640px is the width of the layout page).
    3. Removing the table border by changing the Border Style to 'None'.
    4. Adding or removing columns as needed (see steps below).


Add or remove columns

You can easily modify the level of detail shown within a table by adding or removing columns from the table.

To add a column to the table:

  1. In Properties, under Add Columns, use the dropdown to select the column that you would like to add to the table.
  2. Click Add Column.
  3. Repeat for each new column required.
  4. (Optional) Reorder the columns by dragging them up or down in the Edit Columns list

    Show me


To remove a column from the table:

  1. Under Edit Columns, you can see a list of the columns that exist in the layout.
  2. Click X to remove a column. 


Edit column properties

If you add or remove columns, you will need to edit the column properties to ensure each column fits nicely within the table width. You can also change the font type, color, and alignment to suit existing data elements on the layout.

  1. In Properties, under Edit Columns, click (column icon) to access the column properties.
  2. Edit the default column settings as required. See tips below.
  3. In the Toolbox, click Save/Remove, then click Save.
  4. Click Save.
  5. To preview the layout, click Preview/Customise, then Preview.

100% Browser Zoom
If you have lowered your browser zoom setting on your device, it may affect your layout when viewing and printing.



Add Blank Column

Adding a blank column is useful if you want to add some spacing either at the start or ends of columns, or in between.

Sub Tables

If you're using a sub table, either for linked task items or project progress claims, this feature is helpful in adding an indent for your sub tables.

  1. Click the More option (three dots icon) next to Add Column and select Blank
  2. A [Text] column will be added to the end of the column list. Drag it into your preferred position (e.g. at the start of the list if you want the column indented)
  3. (Optional) to increase the amount of space, go into the column properties (column icon) and increase the column width.

    Show me


Tips for adjusting columns

Start at the last column, working right to left, adjust the width and height for each column:

  • Set the largest column width to Auto (e.g: Item, description)
  • Set the column height to Auto
  • Right align cost value columns (e.g: Charge Rate, Line Totals)
  • Center align the Quantity column
  • Left align item/description and work type/ref code columns

Suggested column widths and alignment for commonly used tables

Table Name Column: Item or Note Column: Work Type or Order Code Column: Quantity Column: Charge Rate Column: Line Total
Labour Auto (left align) 100 (left align) 80 (centre) 100 (Right align) 100 (Right align)
Material Auto (left align) 100 (left align) 80 (centre) 100 (Right align) 100 (Right align)
Other/Sundries Auto (left align) 100 (left align) 80 (centre) 100 (Right align) 100 (Right align)


Sub Tables

If you're working on an invoice showing linked items either through linking task items, or through project progress claims, and you want these to be visible on your layout, there are four tables to choose from which allow for this:

Type of table What it displays
Material Material line items from the Invoice worksheet.
Labor Labor line items from the Invoice worksheet.
Other Expense line items from the Invoice worksheet.
Invoice Lines All three types of line items from the Invoice worksheet.
  1. Add your preferred type of table from the four above, using the instructions found in Add a new table to a layout
  2. Click the table within the layout preview to activate the Properties box (see Edit table properties, above)
  3. Tick the Show Sub Table tick box.
  4. Check the Sub Table columns that you want to display and add or remove as necessary. This is done in the same way as Add or remove columns, above.
  5. Lastly, edit the Sub Table column properties. See Edit column properties, above.

Indenting a sub table

If you want to indent the sub table, add a blank column to add some space. See Add Blank Column, above.


Example of Invoice Lines table



Quote Tables

When using any table with Quote Screen Layout in the name, and your quote contains either items which can be expanded (e.g. Assemblies, including ad-hoc assemblies, SOR lists, Task-specific lists), or takeoff sheets, how this displays on your layout will depend on whether the item is expanded or not. If necessary, click the folder to expand and Save your quote. See the below example.

The standard layout Detailed (Labour Cost) uses one of the Quote Screen Layout tables.


Show example

In this example, the Dishwasher Installation assembly has been expanded and is displaying as such on the layout, but the Fan Install SOR list has not been expanded and so only the header shows on the layout.


Asset Tables

When working with Asset Tasks, there are two different asset tables to choose from to add to your layouts:

  • Assets Table - this is ideal for showing the status of the asset checklist, i.e. Pass, Fail or N/A
  • Task Asset Custom Fields - this is ideal if you're using Task Asset Fields.

Alternatively, you can skip this step and use our prebuilt asset report layouts. See below.



Prebuilt asset report layouts

To make asset reporting even easier, we've created a couple of standard task layouts available for you:

  • Asset Report Simple: Shows the Asset Name and Status (Pass/Fail/NA). 
  • Asset Report Detailed: Shows the applicable task asset fields indented underneath each asset.

Both of these layouts contain a table called Task Asset Custom Fields. You can use these layouts as is, or for further customization, you can:

  • Edit the table to add a few task asset fields which will display vertically down the page (if using Asset Report Simple), and then save this custom layout, or
  • Further customize the layout (if using Asset Report Detailed), and then save this custom layout, or alternatively
  • Use an existing custom layout that you use in your business and add this table to it and customise it further. See Task Asset Custom Fields, below.

Currently not supported for RTF layouts

The Task Asset Custom Fields table is currently only available for standard layouts and is not supported for RTF layouts.


Asset Report Simple


Asset Report Detailed


Asset Report Simple


Asset Report Detailed



Assets Table

The assets table is similar to a checklist table and gives information about the status of assets on a task and whether they have passed or failed an inspection, and also includes the description, who it was checked by, and a date and time. You can customise the table by adding additional fields to the table such as asset task notes, images of the asset, and fields taken from the asset card including custom fields.


Task Asset Custom Fields

The task asset custom fields table also contains the main fields from the assets table, however, it is more suited to display information from task asset fields.

Currently not supported for RTF layouts

This table is currently only available for standard layouts and is not supported for RTF layouts.


Using this table, the applicable task asset fields automatically display indented underneath each asset.

Table columns

The only column you need to include for this table is the 'Asset' one, but you can use additional columns as well like 'Description' (as pictured).


Not wanting to show all fields?

If you don't want to display all custom fields, tick the Hide Field List box and add the fields you want using the Add Columns dropdown. Task asset fields will be appended with (CF-TAS). This will display the fields vertically instead of indented underneath each asset.

Include images

To include the default image of your assets, add one of the Asset Document Default (Image) columns.



Group By

Using this table, you also have the option of grouping the assets in the table by asset type, asset category, or asset checklist status. In the above image, we have grouped the assets by asset type. If you need to remove the groupings, select 'Ungrouped'.

Group By filter

Using the Group By filter will only display the selected grouping on your layout. Leave this blank if you want to show all groupings.