Quote Preview

Learn how to easily see a preview of Quote contents in AroFlo Office

Updated on August 28th, 2024

The Workflow quote lists include a preview panel to display essential information from a selected quote. Simply click any row or the (eye icon) beside a quote to open the quote preview panel. 

  • Quickly find the right quote without accessing the whole worksheet.
  • Easily check details from the quote, e.g. task type, quote description, notes, and location.
  • Update the status, substatus, and acceptance status
  • Access the task timer
  • Access the quote progress at a glance
  • Click once more to open the quote in full to view the task description, checklist items, documents & photos, etc.

The Quote/Task Preview is also available in the following areas of AroFlo:


Open the Quote Preview

The Quote Preview is available for quotes in the Workflow > Quotes menu.

  1. From the menu, navigate to Workflow > Quotes to take you to quotes that are in progress.
  2. (Optional) change the status dropdown to view quotes in a different status.
  3. Click the blank space in a row or the (eye icon) on the quotes list.

The Quote Preview will open and the selected quote will display a (green eye icon).


Once finished, click Hide Preview, or click away from the row, to close the panel.

  • Click View Quote or the quote name to open the quote in full.
  • The Quote Preview will remember the tab you were on, when switching between quotes. This is a handy way to quickly view the details (e.g. notes) for quotes in the list.

See below for more things you can do within the preview.


Quote Preview Fields

The Quote Preview includes fields that are also found on the Quote Worksheet.

Fields with the (link icon) can also be clicked for more information.



Field Description
Job Number
(e.g. JN 1263)

A unique identifier generated on quote creation in the format ‘JN [number of company tasks created +1]’

Click this to open the quote in full, in a new tab.

Quote Name
(e.g. Variation: Stone seating area with fire pit)

The quote name. It could be the client's address or the work site address if a location was set for the quote.

Task name

This will become the Task Name once the quote is approved and becomes a task.


Click this to open the quote in full, in a new tab.

(e.g. Pending Approval)

The quote status. This is the progress of the quote, allowing users to easily see where the quote is at. Click this to edit. See more.

(e.g. With Sales)

The quote substatus - additional information relating to the status of a quote. Click this to edit.

Acceptance Status

(Appears for Approved quotes only) Click to edit the acceptance status. Click (blue pencil) to open the quote and change the acceptance expiry.

Task Timer

The Task Timer. Click this to start or stop the timer.

Remember to Save your changes if editing the Status, Substatus, or Acceptance Status.



Field Description
Task Type The type of job required. See Task Types for more info.
Ref Number A unique identifier generated on quote creation. This is in the format [Client Short Name]-[number of client tasks created +1]
Project Only appears for project quotes. Click the field to open the Project.
Entered By The user who created the Quote. It can be changed on the Quote Worksheet.

The Quote priority, if one was selected.

The priority moves across to the task once the quote gets approved and can be edited.


Client Name Who you are doing the Quote for. Click the field to open the Client Card.
Reported By The client contact who requested the quote.
Location The location of the task, if the work site is different to the client address. If a location was selected for this quote, you'll be able to click the field to open the Location Card.
Site Contact Name Name of the person to contact on-site (appears if a location was selected for this quote, and if present on the location card.
Site Contact Phone Phone number of the person to contact on-site (appears if a location was selected for this quote, and if present on the location card).

Requested The date and time saved when AroFlo created the quote.
Due Date The date when the client needs this work completed by.


The scope of the work being quoted.



Task Notes can be used to keep track of communication with your customers or between field staff and office staff. Notes can also be created in the Quote Preview.


The Items section gives you a snapshot of the following areas:

Clicking a section or the (link icon) will go to the relevant part of the quote (except Quote Totals).

Field Description
Quote Totals The Total Cost of the quote exclusive of GST. Click this to view further info, taken from the quote totals and markups of the quote.
Labor The total labor hours as per the quote totals area.
Materials The total cost of materials as per the quote totals area.
RFQs The number of Request for Quotes attached to the quote.

Linked Tasks

Displays linked tasks or quotes.